• Streetposter Collage Clint Eastwood

    Cold Eyes

    The tattered poncho hangs from his shoulders, and the ever-lit cigar dangles from his lips, with a relaxed posture, he exudes a quiet confidence that demands respect. He doesn't fight for justice but for himself. He has no ties, no past, and no future. He is lethal, yet not a cold-blooded killer. He speaks little, but every word he utters carries weight.
    'You see, in this world, there are two kinds of people, my friend: those with loaded guns and those who dig. You dig.' -Clint Eastwood

  • Streetposter Collage Kurt Cobain

    It’s better to burn out than to fade away

    On the freezing night of February 22, 1994, none of us knew that this show would be one of the last for the grunge band. No photos, no videos—only memories carefully kept in my soul. It doesn’t matter because it’s better to burn out than to fade away. A tribute to Kurt Cobain, the icon who gave voice to the struggles and alienation of my generation. Grunge, with its intense and emotional sound, became a fusion of cultural overlaps—an echo of rebellion that still resonates today.

  • Streetposter Collage Ayrton Senna

    A winner is as worthy as a loser

    This new artwork is not just a tribute to the legend of Ayrton Senna but also a deeply personal journey through the places and experiences that have profoundly shaped my life.

  • David Lynch

    My heartfelt tribute to the one who truly revolutionized the art of cinema in profound ways. A vintage book comes back to life, showcasing its true beauty.

  • Show something does not exist

    The overlapping of our contemporary culture with the language of the brain. It's remixed but not recontextualized and entirely constructed from the fragments of that exact moment. I'm interested in preserving the memory of the first version of an event. Show something does not exist. This is "abstract college".

  • Simweart

    The pleasure of seeing my paintings hanging from the walls of collectors and galleries has literally flared up my desire to reach out and embrace people with my art… Fashion design is a stimulating solution and a challenge that I finally decided to take, by transferring some of my collages in bathing suits.

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  • No Time

    The series dedicated to Mickey Mouse continues with this new artwork created on a canvas measuring 100 × 80 cm. This piece celebrates the iconic character in an original and captivating way, bringing a touch of innovation and creativity to the world of contemporary art.

  • Collage Brigitte Bardot

    On thin ice

    Un’esplosione di emozioni e contrasti. Una conversazione tra passato e presente che si manifesta attraverso la sovrapposizione a livelli di immagini, colori e segni urbani. Il volto iconico di Brigitte Bardot emerge con un'intensità struggente, come un’eterna musa intrappolata tra sogno e realtà. I suoi occhi, segnati da lacrime nere colanti, sembrano raccontare una storia d’amore sospesa nel tempo, fatta di passione e desiderio. La chioma avvolge il suo volto come un’aura dorata, irradiando una bellezza che sfida il caos circostante.

    I manifesti strappati sussurrano parole d’amore dimenticate, frammenti di promesse e ricordi che si mescolano nell’aria. Scritte frammentate si intrecciano come una poesia interrotta, un messaggio segreto nascosto tra i colori che accendono il cuore di emozioni contrastanti. BB diventa il centro pulsante di questa danza, un riflettore di nostalgia e passione nel palcoscenico della società moderna.

    L’opera trasmette un senso di struggente bellezza, un amore che resiste al tempo e si fa eterno. Brigitte Bardot, icona di un’epoca e simbolo di desiderio e libertà, sembra sussurrarci un segreto, una promessa che ancora arde nel caos del mondo: l’amore, quello vero, non si spegne mai.